ORD Emergency and Standby Power System Generators 1-6 O’Hare International Airport
The O’Hare Emergency and Standby Power System Replacement, Generators I thru 6 project of O’Hare International Airport consisted of the replacement of existing emergency and standby generators, as well as paralleling switchgear located at the H&R plant. Broadway Electric was responsible for the construction of the 2 new buildings, just to the north of the H&R plant to house the new generators, and switchgear, as well as the replacement of transfer switches, upgrades to controls, and providing standby power to loads not currently on the system for one of the busiest airports in the United States. This high-profile project took place in all areas and facets of the tunnels below terminals 1 2,3,5 and the Hilton Hotel, as the airport seamlessly continued its day-to-day operations. This project provided much-needed upgrades to keep the airport systems ready in the event of an emergency or critical loss of power for many years to come.
Interesting Facts:
- More than 4 miles of 6″ rigid conduit were installed.
- More than 500,000 feet of medium voltage cable were installed.
- Over 150 new transfer switches were installed.
- 500 new pieces of distribution equipment were installed.
- 6 new generators were delivered and installed – with each weighing more than 30,000 pounds.
City of Chicago
Prime / Subcontractor
Prime Contractor
Chicago, IL
Dollar value
Jun. 2017 - May 2019
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